The Art of Becoming a Minimalist


Ever heard the saying “less is more”? This is now a moto in the fashion world. This may come as a surprise to you when you see models in places like Paris with some of the most “unique” clothing items on, but the minimalist fashion trend is for everyday women. describes a minimalist as someone who enjoys “keeping things very simple.” In other words, a minimalist prefers the minimal amount or degree of something. This style is not only appearing in the fashion industry, but also in home décor. This is a whole new genre of style that has redefined boring and made it chic.

Becoming a minimalist is not an easy thing to do. The objective of this style is to cut back on not only spending, but also time spent picking out your outfits. Those will successful minimalist closets should be able to randomly pick three items out of their closet and have them all match. Keeping basic staple pieces (usually black, white, or beige) will ensure success. An example of a minimalist closet during the summer could consist of:

White shorts

Black shorts

Khaki shorts

Blue jean shorts

Silver sandals

Gold sandals

4-5 tops that are black, white, or beige with some patterns

This may sound like a drastic change that you could never imagine making, but do not release the idea just yet. Miranda Wilson, a 36 year old from Graves County, decided to try to go minimalist two weeks ago. She went from a roughly 300 items in her closet to 100. “I used to never know what to wear. I felt like I had no clothes at all. Now with over 200 items gone I feel like I have a lot more clothes than before. All the clutter of unnecessary clothing items was just getting in my way of finding outfits I would actually wear.” Miranda says. “I am so happy I made the change.”

Miranda did not go through with a total minimalist look, but she did make a big change and tried to keep only her staple items (with a few exceptions.)

If you are still struggling with the idea of minimalism; the best way to get rid of unwanted items is to put your clothing on hangers the opposite way you usually do and then, as you wear the items, change the hanger to the normal way. This will show you which items you actually wear and should keep compared to the items that are just getting in your way.

Best of luck completing your minimalist look!