Doctor Who begins eighth season with a fresh face


After celebrating its 50th Anniversary last year, the popular BBC sci-fi show Doctor begins the eighth season of its revival series. 

If you consider yourself a fan or a Whovian of the show, then you are already primed for this season’s fourth episode. If not, buckle up, because this show will teach you that time is not just a straight time line, but also a “ball of wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff”. 

The show first began in 1963 with actor William Hartnell and continued until 1989 with Paul McGann, the eighth doctor. The revival series began in 2005 with Christopher Eccleston and has continued since. The main character of the show, the Doctor, is of the alien species the Time Lords, a species that died out or disappeared in the Time War. As the sole survivor from his race, the Doctor travels in his TARDIS, or Time And Relative Dimensions In Space, which allows him and his companion of choice to travel anywhere in all of time and space. The Doctor’s companion is usually someone from Earth who finds the Doctor and becomes intrigued by the dangerous world of time travel, and the “Madman with a Box”

The Doctor has had 12 regenerations, as many Time Lords do; this season brings about his twelfth and supposedly final regeneration. In the show, a regeneration is a way to cheat death, causing the Doctor to change faces and occasionally personalities. Fans of the show or Whovians like to pick their favorite regeneration, the tenth played by actor David Tennant is usually a top pick.

The newest regeneration played by Peter Capaldi differs from the previous Doctors in that he is much older. When asked about his opinion of the new Doctor, fan Wyatt Walker ’17 said, “The new season of Doctor Who promises to be a much darker tone and Capaldi’s portrayal as a much older Doctor compared to his immediate predecessors certainly delivers. I for one think it is a very promising season, and one that will introduce an element to Doctor Who that has been lacking in seasons past.” 

With his companion Clara Oswald in tow, this Doctor is sure to bring about a great season for Doctor Who. Be sure to watch this week’s episode on Saturday September 6, 2014 at 7 when the Doctor and Clara travel to Sherwood Forest.