This year’s musical, Cinderella, premiered this past weekend and debuted two unique casts. There are two casts of the musical and we interviewed both of the Cinderella’s to get insight into each cast experience.
First, we have our gray cast. Emma Madding plays Cinderella and her Prince Charming is played by Aiden Dowdy. We interviewed Emma Madding on her experience with her senior musical. Emma says, “I liked meeting all the new members. Even though it was stressful, I loved getting to play a lead role in my senior musical.”
We also interviewed our other Cinderella, Natalie Sims. She is a part of the Blue cast, which performed on Saturday night. Natalie said, “I enjoyed playing a classic role while getting close to new cast mates.”
At first, the double casting was questionable, but it turned out to be a very good way to showcase all the talent GCHS has to offer. Each cast got rave reviews on the amazing performances from this weekend. Musical Theater is eager to continue showing off their talent in the upcoming months.