Senior Sendoff from Devin Oliver: Thank you


My years here have been plenty and it hasn’t always been the best. I’ve made high school the best experience it could be and have had my friends get me through it. I would like to say thank you to all my teachers who have helped and taught me many valuable things even out of the curriculum. Most teachers and staff have truly made me come out of my shell and want to do better in life. I would like to say thank you to one teacher, in particular, Miss. Lindsey Vinson. She was our drama teacher when I was a  sophomore and she brought life and was a friend who helped me get through a hard time.

She was the one teacher who would try to understand the kid’s lives and want to help in any way she could. I remember in her class we would often find ourselves talking about things that might be uncomfortable to others. She always wanted to make you happy and make you feel wanted and understood. She made me feel heard. She put her soul into the drama department and wanted us to express ourselves in any way possible. Even though she might not have known it her class was my happy place and made me feel safe. Thank you for everything you have done for me even though you are no longer at our school and for making us feel loved.

Devin Oliver

Class of 2021

Eagle’s Eye Staff Writer