Teen’s Texting Addiction


CJ Wilson

CRAVING COMMUNICATION– How much is too much when it comes to texting?

A teen’s phone is much like a loved one; a thing we hold dear to us and a crucial connection. When asked “What’s one thing you couldn’t live without?” most teens all have the same answer, and that answer is, my cell phone.

And when you are looking around there is one common accessory that seems to be everywhere. That’s a phone either in a hand or in someone’s pocket. Then again, have you ever thought about exactly how many times a day you are on your phone? Or how many texts you send in a day? According to a Pew research study,  “The percentage of heavy texting teens (>200/day) has increased 3% since 2009 (15% vs. 18%), while light texting teens (no and 1-10 texts) have both decreased in the last two years.”

The study also stated that the average number of texts a teen send per day is around 100. Let’s just hope those heavy texters have unlimited texts.