Graves County High School participates in National School Lunch Week

This week, October 12-18th, all of the Graves County Schools are participating in Nation School Lunch Week. Each day different students that ate lunch will be chosen to have their picture made and be given a prize. This year’s theme is “Get in the Game with School Lunch.” It is designed to influence kids to find a balance between eating healthy and getting exercise. It stresses the importance of being active and eating right.

In the President’s press release he discusses that “30 million kids depend on the National School Lunch Program for daily nutrition”. That shows the importance of the healthiness of the meals given to the children. If we want to have a successful, healthy future as a nation, we need to have successful, healthy future leaders. With a full stomach, that is one less thing that the kids have to worry about while they are in school. This is critical to helping the children perform to their full potential.