Eagles keep the pulse going


Hannah Templeton

GIVING THE GIFT OF LIFE– Senior Kaelyn Talbot is all smiles as she donates a pint of blood at GC’s Red Cross Blood Drive.

Graves County High School hosted their annual American Red Cross blood drive today. The American Red Cross hosts more than 200,000 blood drives each year. They started blood for patients in 1940. Blood donors can donate every 56 days; platelet donors can donate every 7 days.

Almost 50 people donated today at the school blood drive. Blood drives help millions of people in need of help. Every pint of donated blood helps at least 3 people in need. Studies have shown that at least 5 million patients in America alone need blood transfusions. Less than 38 percent of the world is eligible to give donations.


Blood Types

A- has only the A antigen on red blood cells: Goes to A or AB

B- has only the B antigen on red blood cells: Goes to B or AB

AB- has both A and B antigens on red blood cells: Only goes to AB

O: Has neither A nor B antigens on red blood cell: Goes to all other blood types