“The 5th Wave” Movie Trailer Review

The 5th Wave Movie Trailer Review

August 1, 2015 the first official trailer for “The 5th Wave” movie was released onto social media.

“The 5th Wave” is going to hit theaters  January 2016 and is based on the novel “The 5th Wave” by Rick Yancey. The book is a sci-fi thriller and is set in present day and is as if aliens have taken over the Earth. Based off the trailer, I predict that the movie is going to be the next “Hunger Games.” Rick Yancey tweeted yesterday, “Like I’ve said before, this film captures so much of the book’s spirit, I couldn’t be happier (not that I’ve watched this trailer 1000 times)” he is tweet assures me that the movie will stay true to the book and will be better than I first expected. From the trailer only I can assume that there will be plenty of action and A+ acting from stars Chloë Grace Moretz, Nick Robinson, and Alex Roe. After watching the trailer, I am more excited for the movie now more than ever. So my best advice to you all is to pick up the book and its’ sequel “Infinite Sea” before “The 5th Wave” hits theaters.