Looking for the bright side in news today

Looking for the bright side in news today

CJ Wilson, Features Editor

What stories do you remember from Fox News, CNN, and NBC? Would it be their Ferguson coverage or maybe their terrorist stories?  Click on Fox News’s website and you will see an overwhelming amount of stories containing the words “terrorism”, “Obama’s mistakes”, and “threat.” Click on CNN’s website to view headlines of “Anti-terror raid ‘foils imminent, major attacks'” and “Cell linked to ISIS.” Click on NBC’s website only to be bombarded with photos of police and ambulances at a scene of an anti-terrorism raid. What you rarely see in these major news outlets is a story that makes you smile– a story that makes you see good in humanity– like the Readers’ Digest Make it Matter Campaign that was covered by  only one major outlet: Today news online. The Huffington Post is also the only major news outlet that makes an effort to make positive news known by creating their “Positive News” section online.

The question is: Why do the news outlets only showcase the bad that is happening in the world instead of the good? Would people be different if they were not always subjected to the evil in the world? What effect would news outlets have if they made a “Positive News” section like The Huffington Post?

The simple answer to the first question is ratings and views. Sadly, most news outlets care more for their ratings than the public. “Terrorists kills Americans” is more appealing than “10 simple acts of kindness in your neighborhood.” It is human nature to be curious and interested in death and violence, especially when it is in bold letters flashing on mobile devices, computers, and TV screens. I believe more would be interested in uplifting, positive stories if they were in bold letters every once in awhile, or it would at least ensure people that good things are still happening, despite the murder and mayhem below it. I do think it is important for the public to know what is happening in the world, but when the media constantly picks the negative stories, lines get blurred for the readers.

Hearing such rash and violent stories could in some way contribute to America’s rash and violent actions which contribute to a sense of insecurity in the home. “Based on production data from firearm manufacturers,there are roughly 300 million firearms owned by civilians in the United States as of 2010. Of these, about 100 million are handguns,” Just Facts reports.  An overwhelming 40-45% of homes in the United States has a gun in their home and 67% of owners said it was for protection of their home. Gun control is a hot topic in debates, but if news outlets did not always rely on stories of murder and homicide, people would feel safer in their homes without depending on a weapon to help them sleep at night. According to Houzz.com, 77% of their 800 participants admitted to be scared of being home alone, and when asked for what reason, “break-ins topped the survey of the scariest things that can occur (54 percent for urban dwellers; 46 percent for those in rural areas).” Do news outlets make people overly paranoid?

A Positive News section for each news outlet could help humanity see there is still good in the world. News stations may not have as many views as they did the violent crime stories, but it would definitely make a difference in how society views others. Sites like Positive News US try to thrive on doing what rich, national news companies should be doing in the first place.

Indigogo describes Positive News as:

  •  A media source that contradicts the destruction of corporate media, by highlighting stories of cooperation, kindness, peace, environmental justice, people power and so much more.
  • They provide free newspapers at newsstands, community centers, and cafes around the Bay Area as well as subscriptions delivered to individuals and communities all over the US.
  • They inspire others to make a difference and stand up. Their printed quarterly paper reached 30-50,000 people per issue and inspire readers to think outside the box and be creative in the face of injustice.
  • They are building a FREE online database that will collect and organize Positive Historical events from the ancient past to the present.

Did you hear about “Athlete leaves NFL and $37 million contract to become farmer in order to feed the hungry”  or maybe “Seattle Wins $15 Minimum Wage – Will Your Town Be Next?” Most likely not, but wouldn’t you rather hear about these than the threats of another country, Obama’s troubles, and taxes?