Lessons We Should All Remember Around the Holidays

“Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” 

― Mark Twain
From in the classroom to when you’re on your own time outside of school walls, do you leave a trace that makes others want to follow in your footsteps or do you leave a unkind influence on others? People everywhere avoid thinking of questions like these, because “they simply don’t have the time” and “they need to think of themselves first”. In a world like today’s, I can surprisingly see where they get this attitude from, but it still does not excuse the unfriendliness we show to each other on a day to day basis. The latest example of this harshness towards the public is the Black Friday sales, where instead of shopping most were literally fighting each other to get the best deals. It’s obvious the world needs more kindness when two women will almost rip one another’s head off for a kid’s xbox. 
“Even the smallest act of caring for another person is like a drop of water – it will make ripples throughout the entire pond.” 
― Jessy and Bryan Matteo
The one quality that only a few have, but all need is selflessness. This is what the holidays are all about. The joy of seeing your best friend, your family, or a significant other open the gift you’ve spent forever picking out, especially for them. That feeling is priceless, but sadly some do not crave this feeling, they simply forget about the selflessness of the holiday and put their wants first. It’s hard to put others first when most live in their own selfishness on a daily basis. The good news is the holidays are the perfect time to prove to yourself you can give to others instead of your typical “I really need this, this, this, and this.”  
“Going home and spending time with your family and your real friends keeps you grounded.”
― Jennifer Ellison
Spending time with the ones you love is a very important tradition during the holidays. For some families Christmas and Thanksgiving, sometimes other holidays, are their yearly visit for family you have not seen in months. It’s great to spend the holidays with your friends and families, and hopefully the good times will make you realize the yearly visit should be expanded to a monthly or even weekly visit. The holidays really do teach you that without the people you love around you, life is meaningless and that they are always there for you no matter what. So you should celebrate not only a holiday with them, but anytime you have with them!