Murray State to make tuition more affordable


Murray State has announced that it will change its postgraduate and final model for the upcoming academic year.

According to the university, most postgraduate programs will cost $544 per hour credit (with nine hours of credit per semester full-time). Some graduate programs are reduced to only $375 per credit hour. Doctoral programs, with the exception of anesthesiology program for nurses, cost $ 590 per hour credit. The current cost of doctoral students in the state is $ 528 per hour, while non-residents pay $ 1489.50. The new model will reduce tuition for non-residents to $ 800 per hour.

Dr. Mark Arant told the West Kentucky Star the new graduate tuition model is expected to make graduate programs more affordable for many students.

The University Council is expected to review the proposed charges on May 11th. If approved, the new study model will come into force this autumn semester.

The full list of proposed new tuition rates is available online at