Want to Pass that Test?

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We’re all in high school, which means… test taking. In order to pass a subject you have to pass the test. You can study for a few minutes everyday up until the due date of the test. You have to pace yourself. Give yourself a good reason to work hard for a good grade. Use your previous homework and notes to help you study. Of course, right now, to us we think these things don’t matter, but there will always be a reason for these tests.

There are some good test taking skills you can follow as well.

  • Always be prepared.
  • Listen attentively to last minute instructions given by the instructor.
  • Read the test directions very carefully and watch for details, because sometimes they will try to trick you or have implied expectations
  • Answer all the questions, even if you have to guess (Try to use the same answer when you’re guessing, for example: B, use it every time you don’t know something.)
  • Maintain a positive attitude.
  • Rely on your first impressions.
  • Review your answers.

These strategies are guaranteed to help you. Also, at Graves County, there’s always a person who will discuss these skills with you. Listen. Even when you don’t think it’s important, it most likely is, so pay attention. Most importantly, don’t forget to relax. Just take your time and always try your best.

If you are in need of anymore help, here is a video you can watch. https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/conTVmeEPL