The sky is crying and you are too


It’s finally fall! Many people notice a change in not only the colors of the trees, but the way that others act as opposed to normal. Studies are showing that the weather may be the culprit for this phenomenon.

Harvard Health Medical School shares research of “Seasonal Affective Disorder” (SAD). This disorder displays mood change in relation to sunlight, aka, weather. “When exposed to less sunlight, your body produces more melatonin, the hormone which makes you feel sleepy,” explains the lack of energy and motivation in the colder months and shorter days.

When there is more light, people seem to be happier, but when the days are shorter, they seem more unhappy. This is what some people call “seasonal depression”. Seasonal depression is thought to be caused by shorter periods of daylight and cooler temperatures. Instead of the people around you displaying every emotion excitedly, good or bad, people become more mellow during the fall and winter seasons.

These and certain other conditions are treated  by exposure to artificial light referred to as “light therapy”. According to,During light therapy, you sit or work near a device called a light therapy box. The box gives off bright light that mimics natural outdoor light,” this is thought to increase the chemical production that makes you happy. Many women claim the tanning bed has the same effects as the light therapy boxes, but it hasn’t been classified as the placebo effect of if they do correlate.