Two-Part Series: Is prom worth it?

Wasting time and money with prom

Let’s get real for a minute. How do you really feel about prom? Honestly, I’m not sure what I think about it. When the time comes, everyone you walk by is raving about prom and their plans for that night or they’re posting pictures of their dresses on Instagram. Everyone is so excited for this upcoming night. But let me tell you why prom could potentially be the biggest waste of your time. Ever.

First, the most obvious, is the prom dress. Prom dress shopping is one of the longest processes in the world. You go and you spend possibly hours looking for that one dress that really puts the butterflies in your stomach and end up leaving with nothing, forced to make another visit. Then after you spent so much time looking for a dress, you have to buy it. Hundreds or even thousands of dollars are taken from your wallet and handed over for a dress that you are only going to be wearing for a few hours. Not to mention the overly expensive dinner reservations that you made for you and your friends or the appointment, where you will spend hundreds, at the salon for your hair, nails, and your makeup.

So after all the time and money you spent to make yourself look like a completely different person, you are going to school and you will be dancing all night with people you complain about the most every other day of the year. You will actually be having fun and take a break to get a drink but as you walk over to your table, there will always be someone complaining about the music that’s playing or they will complain about how loud some group of people are being. By the end of the night you will be annoyed, tired, and your heels are over in the corner with some random guy you don’t know because your feet got tired an hour ago.

Once prom is over, you will spend days trying to get all of the hairspray out of your hair and you will more than likely go through the trouble of trying to sell your overly expensive prom dress. You have a better chance of having a good time at home with your friends, watching Netflix, and stuffing your face with junk food.

Now that I have given you a few reasons as to why I think prom is a waste, think about it. Do you really think it’s worth it? Come back next week where I will be sharing with you the reasons why I think prom could potentially be the best night of your life.