Students attend 2021 DECA Fall Leadership Conference

DECA members Elizabeth Irions and Conlee Spann smile for a picture with Region One VP of records, Ellie Youngblood

GCHS DECA attended the fall leadership conference at Murray State University this past Wednesday.

“The fall leadership conference is an ice breaker for DECA members,” said Chapter Advisor Michelle McKee. “It is a great way for all members to learn more about the different types of events and to get to know DECA members from other schools.”

Attendees were categorized into three groups: new members, written events, and role plays. In these groups they learned more about their specific events and participated in leadership work shops.

“I was in charge of the leadership game station at the fall workshop,” said Region One VP of Records Ellie Youngblood. “It was so refreshing to see everyone from different chapters interacting with each other.”

GCHS DECA will be competing in the Regional Competition in January where they will put the skills they learned at the Fall Leadership Workshop to the test.