My farewell to the Eagle’s Nest


Dear Graves County High School, 

You have brought me many special memories, and even many hardships. I have grown tremendously both emotionally and academically. You have seen the best and the worst of me. I am forever grateful for the experiences that you provided. However, it is time for me to fly away from the nest, and make new memories and meet more amazing people. Even though I’ll be at the University of Louisville, I will forever hold you in my heart as a trophy that states “I made it through this obstacle, now time for the next.” 

To my friends that I have gained and lost, 

I love you all, and I’m crying while writing this. From my best friends acquaintance, everyone has made an impact on me and I could not be more thankful. Over the last four years, every one of you, no matter if we are still close now, has helped mold me into the person that I am today. I just want to say thank you to every person that has made any impact on me, both positive or negative. You all have helped me grow and wiggle out of my comfort zone. 

To my teachers, 

I am so sorry you had to deal with my procrastination, even though I would always get things done on time. I am thankful for everything that every single one of you has done for me. Thanks to all of you, I am entering college confident in my abilities to excel in my major. I hope to make you proud.     

Ultimately, high school has been roller coaster ride. Honestly, it hasn’t been the best time of my life like some say, but I appreciate every single moment that has helped me grow. Thank you Graves County High for the many friends and memories. I will hold you in my heart forever.