Spider-Man: Far From Home is far from a heroic let down

Courtesy of marvel.com
Spider-Man: Far From Home​ was hilariously cultivating and intense. The 
©​Marvel ​crew left their audience on the edge of their seat with this action-packed 
superhero movie.
After events in ​Avengers: Endgame​, Spider-Man must take a break from his 
hopeful school trip abroad and defeat a new evil the world has never seen. Peter 
Parker and his class go on a science trip to Europe. Peter hoped this would be a 
relaxed vacation where he would finally get the girl, however, work followed the 
teen Spider-Man across the Atlantic. He receives the help of an unknown 
superhero who had been given the name, “Mysterio.” Mysterio helped the 
Avengers defeat the evil. Later on, a new threat presents itself.
Throughout the  movie there is intense action, plot twists, comedy, and a little bit of​ romance. 
There’s a little something for everybody.