GCHS Youth Leadership “trades places” with Mayfield High School tour

Photo Courtesy of Kaye Horn.

Last month, Mayfield and GC Youth Leadership put a twist on their monthly field trip by touring each other’s campuses.

“I feel like it is important for our leaders to see the way other schools in our area operate,” said advisor Kaye Horn. “It is a great way for students to experience a different school and recognize what their individual schools offer.”

Youth Leadership is a program that allows students to learn about current and ongoing issues in our community and to develop leadership potential and a vested interest in the community.

“It also lays the framework for relationships to be formed between students who, soon enough, will be working together for the best for this community,” added Mrs. Horn.

GCHS students met some of MHS’s most prized teachers and staff, stopping by the culinary classroom to decorate cookies and participating in a science experiment. MHS students learned more about GCHS’s fine arts program, JROTC, Bookstore, and bank.

“I enjoyed getting to learn about how MHS and how differently they do things from us here at GCHS,” said GC Senior Emily Oliver.

“It was so cool to get to go into parts of MHS that I have never seen before,” added Ellie Youngblood.

This opportunity allowed students to learn about the individual schools and reflect on how they can incorporate or improve elements in their own school.

March’s Youth Leadership field trip will take both groups of students to Frankfort, KY.