A teacher’s tips for midterms


Photo Courtesy of theirishtimes.com

The school year is almost halfway over and midterms are near. Midterms have a big impact on a student’s grade, and fortunately, there are a couple of tips that can make the process of studying (and preparing) easier. GCHS agricultural educator and FFA advisor, Mrs. Mohler, was generous to give her advice when studying for midterms:

“First and foremost, my number one tip while studying for midterms is to unplug, log off, mute and shut down,” said Mohler. ”

There are so many distractions that can keep us from staying focused and really retaining what it is that we are studying. I promise if you refrain from social media while studying you will see a huge difference in what you remember,” she continued.

Another tip Mrs. Mohler has is to start studying now, rather than later, “Cramming all of your studying in the night before 9 PM is not a study method that will lead to success. Write down any questions you have and ask your teachers for help NOW.”