10 ways to battle senioritis


-Picture from ahsthespud.com

Senioritis is what students in their fourth year of high school tend to experience. It affects everyone in different ways, ranging from lack of motivation to decline in performance in their classes. Many students tend to attempt to give up on their final year of high school, but there are countless ways to help motivate academic success. Listed below are ten steps to curing even the worst cases of senioritis:

  • Schedule fun classes
  • Nix bad habits before they start
  • Remember that grades still matter.
  • Get involved in extracurricular activities with friends that take your mind off the stress from school
  • Don’t let yourself get into a slacking habit, it will cause college work to be harder
  • Give yourself a break sometimes
  • Make a checklist every day to keep up with the ridiculous amount of work you have to complete.
  • Some colleges are known to revoke admission if students slack in their final months of high school
  • Countdown to graduation, when there’s a goal in sight it makes it easier to keep going.
  • Talk about it

You are about to finish 4 years of studying hard and earning a diploma. Be proud of yourself for how far you’ve come. Congratulations, don’t give up, and good luck in the future!