Best Valentines Day Pick-Up Lines


So, it’s that time of the year again; flowers, candy, sappy dates, all the mushy gooey loving couples all over each other. But for those out there looking to enter the game, try out these corny pickup lines:

  1. You’re so sweet, you would put Hershey out of business.
  2. Be mine because you’re fine.
  3. Did it hurt when you got shot by cupids arrow?
  4. You shatter my heart into 15 miniature unique pieces…like a Whitman’s Sampler.
  5. Do you like cats? Because I’d like you to take meowt for Valentines Day.
  6. Excuse me, you just dropped something — my heart
  7. They can fit what I feel for you on those conversation hearts.
  8. Cupid called. He asked for his arrow back.
  9. You’re hotter than the bottom of my Chromebook.
  10. Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?