“The Arts hold numerous benefits that kids can’t experience elsewhere.”


GCHS Fine Arts Hallway

In recent news, the debate between cutting or keeping Fine Arts has arose.

Students and adults should know why fine arts programs are important to have in schools.

Mrs. Vinson, a drama and creative writing instructor at GCHS said, “Schools should have this extracurricular activity for students to get involved in because it allows them to use a different part of your brain than other core classes.”

Mr. A Woodruff, an art instructor at GCHS agreed, as he also thinks it gives students more opportunities: “The Arts hold numerous benefits that kids can’t experience elsewhere.”

Cutting Fine Arts would eliminate the reasons people like to come to schools, we would lose important things like movies, paintings, even the music we listen to.

Mrs. Vinson loves seeing students show their true colors and be whoever they want to be in her class. “That’s not something you can fake, not even teach, it’s just giving them an opportunity and telling them to go for it.”

The Graves County Fine Arts Program is responsible for Christmas, Veteran’s Day, and multiple plays and performances throughout the school year.

“The most enjoyable part of our in school performances is seeing students proud of what they’ve accomplished near the end or after it’s done,” Mrs. Vincent expressed. “The skills that are learned during programs and activities like these are what influence students to be confident and outgoing, and it’s because they get to do the things that interest them.”