What it means to be CCR Ready

Schools across the nation have increased their focus on students becoming College Career Ready by reaching certain benchmarks on the ACT. Graves County High School is currently implementing ACT workshops and ACT practice test in classrooms in order for students to be CCR. To be CCR you must have a 22 in Math, 18 in English, and 21 in Reading on the ACT.

Graves County continues to reward the students who have accomplished their goals with pictures hung in the hallway and a green cord to wear at graduation. “Being College Career ready is something we as the staff at GCHS must work to motivate the students to be as prepared as they can be for their futures,” librarian, Mrs. Hiles commented on the subject. She also mentioned that students could become CCR by taking KEYS or the Compass test to meet their benchmarks. CCR is encouraged to promote a brighter future for students, whether at college or in their respective careers.