Live in the moment, not in the snap

Live in the moment, not in the snap

Our generation is obsessed with social media. Whether teens are scrolling through Instagram or posting tweets on Twitter, it is a habit for many in America. A famous saying that has come from teenage indulgence in media is “Pics or it didn’t happen.” Urban Dictionary defines this saying as “a phrase used on Internet forums to counter the vast range of unverifiable claims made by users. Often these claims involve personal brag-worthy accomplishments, extraordinary or rare sights/occurrences, and tales relating to alcohol or drug use.” 

Apps that focus on getting the most attention from other users only enhance the “pics or it didn’t happen” phrase. Social media apps such as Instagram focus on posting pictures to get “likes.” Snapchat is another app that focuses on posting interesting “stories” for others to enjoy. Teens feel if they do not post their lives on Instagram or Snapchat that it did not happen as it would have if they had. 

Our obsession with being popular within a social virtual reality has many missing their actual life. When we are focused on getting a video of this for snapchat or taking the perfect posed pictures for Instagram, we are missing the spontaneous moments that make up our lives. So I challenge you all to put down your phones the next time you go out with friends. Live in the moment, not in the snap.